Shanghai Donghai Bridge


Donghai Bridge stretches 32.5km and is the only road-link to the main land for Yanshan Deep Water Port. The standard width of the bridge is 31.5m accommodating a three-lane dual carriageway plus emergency parking strips. The highway has a design speed limit of 80km/h, an automobile load level in excess of 20 grades and a trailer load level of 120 grades (proved by placing container vehicles over the entire bridge at 10m intervals). The design life of the bridge is 100 years and it is capable of withstanding an earthquake of 7 on the Richter scale. There were many complications to overcome during the construction of the Donghai Bridge. Construction involved installation of 8712 radicals pegs including 5323 Steel Pipe Piles, 387 Big Inch Bored Piles and 320 Big Inch Inlay Rock Roots along with 1.6m diameter drilled piles and 1.2m PHC piles in the shallower waters.