Route 8 Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct, Hong Kong China


Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct (NSCV) is the eastern approach road to the Stonecutters Bridge. Its main road comprises 2.2km of dual 3-lane carriageway connecting the West Kowloon Highway and the section of Route 8 from Sha Tin at Cheung Sha Wan (near Lai Wan Interchange) to the eastern end of the Stonecutters Bridge. There are also four slip roads providing accesses to the and from the local road networks near Container Terminal 8.

The scope of the works for the Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct (Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct) contract mainly includes

  1. Construction of foundation and super-structure of Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct and slip road;
  2. Civil engineering works for the Traffic Control Surveillance System;
  3. Re-alignment and re-construction of sections of Container Port Road South, Hing Wah Street West and Lin Cheung Road, including diversion of utilities and services; Road works on the viaduct and at ground level, including traffic aids, street furniture and lighting, noise barriers and landscaping.