Road T7 in Ma On Shan, Hongkong, China.


Road T7 is a 3.2km long dual 2-lane trunk road linking Ma On Shan Road and Sai Sha Road. It serves effectively as a by-pass for through traffic between the east and the west of Ma On Shan without going through the busy town centre.

Road T7 helps to meet the forecast traffic growth arising from several large housing developments in Ma On Shan, Sai Sha and Cheung Muk Tau. It also relieves the loading at a number of road junctions with Ma On Shan. The contract for Road T7 includes the construction of 4 elevated carriageways (1.2km), 2 vehicle underpasses (330m), 1 pedestrian/cyclist bridge across Ma On Shan Road, 2 pedestrian subways, 2 lines of box culverts, noise mitigation measures, landscaping works and associated geotechnical, drainage, water and electricity supply and lighting works.