Saudi Ras Az Zawr Port EPC Project


The scope of work for this project is Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) of the Port at RasAzZawr, as part of the infrastructure support to the Ma’aden Mineral City by Saudi Arabian Mining Company. The port at Raz As Zawr has been designed to fulfill requirements associated with product import and exports associated with the Phosphate complex and to further meets the requirements of additional primary and downstream industries at the industrial estate. It is located at the peninsula of RasAzZawr in the eastern side of Saudi Arabia. Project specification adopts American standard, British standard, Saudi standards and relevant international conventions. The scope of marine structure work mainly includes: 1)Wharf: Berth 1, 2, 5,6&7 are 5 Nr. 70,000 Tsolid and bulk cargo wharf; Berth 3,is70,000T Liquid wharf; Berth 4is 7,000T service wharf. 2)Revetment, breakwater seawall: Approximate 16kilometer length. Civil & ME: Including 26 buildings such as Port Administration, Mosques, Fuel Depot, Fire Station, Sub-station, drainage system, lighting, potable water, waste water system, sea water fire pump house and21 nr. Roads approximately 18.5 km, fencing and gate, approximately 26.8km service pipeline,and all the equipment for support the port operation.